Velana International Airport (VIA) handles a significant increase in traffic during the peak season every year.

The high flow of traffic often leads to congestion due to limited space at the airport resulting airliners requiring to hold.
The Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC) issued by Velana International Airport (VIA) advising airlines regarding traffic congestion and the advisory to carry additional holding fuel was issued on 16th August 2021.
In the circular airlines were advised to carry at least 45 minutes of holding fuel and that VIA will not take responsibility for any diversions due to limited fuel.
Flight crew were advised to not expect priority as a result of a declaration of ‘MINIMUM FUEL’ however, Air Traffic Control (ATC) will advise the crew of expected delays and will coordinate the aircraft fuel status to other ATC units.
Advance schedule coordination will be required due to limited parking space available with the construction undergoing to improve airport capacity.
Operators were advised to strictly follow their given slot times and any arrival prior to the scheduled time may require holding as preference would be given to the aircraft arriving on schedule.
This AIC circular will be in effect until 31st March 2022.
The traffic congestion at Velana International Airport is likely to continue until the new passenger terminal along with the new runway can be operational.